Island Estates Women’s Club
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Bon Appetit
148 Marina Plaza, Dunedin
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Breast of Chicken with Tomato Basil Sauce, Chargrilled Salmon with Cucmber Dill Sauce
or Pasta Primavera
Member ______________________________________________________(circle one below)
Chicken Breast Chargrilled Salmon Pasta Primavera
Guest _______________________________________________________ (circle one below)
Chicken Breast Chargrilled Salmon Pasta Primavera
Members--$40.00 Guests--$45.00 Number Attending ____ Total Enclosed $_____
Phone Number: ________________ eMail: ___________________________________
****We have a cut-off of 100 members/guests for this Luncheon. Get your reservation
in as soon as possible. We will have a waiting list in case of any cancellations.****
Instructions for Mailing in Lunch Reservation Form with your Check
Please make checks payable to: Island Estates Women’s Club Send to:
IEWC—c/o Karin Stewart, 225 Windward Island, Clearwater, FL 33767
Money cannot be returned after the deadline as we are committed to pay the restaurant.
Reservation Deadline is Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at Noon.
Questions: Please call Reservation Chair Karin Stewart at 452-5167.
To PRINT lunch reservation form - Control + P and send it with your Check.
If you would like to sit with friends, one of you needs to get there early to save seats.
We do not reserve tables for Regular Luncheons